CD Projekt held an emergency meeting with investors, where it paid great attention to the most discussed issue of Cyberpunk 2077 — the state of the console versions of the new and most anticipated game of 2020.

At the meeting, CD Projekt stated:

  • Testers worked from home, and it complicated the processes
  • The studio has paid too much attention to the PC's game and not enough on PS4 and Xbox One
  • There was no strong pressure to release the game
  • The studio did not want to show the game on PS4 and Xbox One, hoping that they would have time to fix it before the release.
  • CD Projekt promised Sony and Microsoft to fix the game for release, so it could pass manufacturer certification.

The Cyberpunk 2077 team will work on patches until at least February.
So far, the studio has no plans to give away free bonuses like storyline expansions to affected players, as Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed Unity.

The initial sales of the game will be announced before 2021.
CD Projekt expects next year's promised next-gen upgrades to stop people from refunding the Cyberpunk 2077.

Now, the studio collects feedback from players on the PC, which is positive.

Yesterday, the studio apologized for the game's state to console players and promising improvements. The next patch will be out within a week, with another two major updates coming in January and February