Re-Logic, the American game developer, has announced that its Terraria game's total sales have exceeded 35 million copies. We are talking about all versions of the game for all platforms: PC, mobile, and consoles.

More than 17 million copies were sold on PCs, just over 9 million on mobile platforms, and another 8,5 million on consoles. Simultaneously, the first version of the game was released in May 2011. Terraria, an action-adventure sandbox game, reached such an impressive figure in less than ten years.

"We remain hard at work on the litany of updates across the board as we press forward into 2021. Things are really starting to come together, and we are beyond excited for what the rest of the year has in store. Thanks to your beyond-amazing support - Terraria has reached another units-sold milestone!

The momentum for Terraria has never been stronger than it is right this moment. When you add that to what is still to come this year with Console Journey's End, Steam Workshop Support, getting to parity content for everyone... and then the possibility of crossplay down the line (we hope!), you could easily say that Journey's End may have arrived, but the journey for Terraria is far from over!", said Re-Logic.