NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Doorstep Statement Ahead of the Meeting on 6 and 7 April 2022

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg doorstep statement ahead of the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs on 6 and 7 April 2022:

“This reveals the true nature of President Putin's war, and the targeting and killing of civilians is a war crime and therefore, NATO allies are supporting the international efforts to establish all the facts, to investigate, and to make sure that perpetrators are punished.

We see that Russia is moving forces out of the north to reinforce them, to resupply them, to rearm them and then to move them into the east where we are expecting a major offensive. President Putin's aim is to try to control the whole of Donbas and to establish a land bridge [...].

NATO allies have supported Ukraine for many years, [] and the NATO allies have also provided different kinds of equipment’s over many years. And of course, this combined with the courage, the commitment, of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is really making a difference every day on the battlefield.

So first of all, this war must end now. And President Putin can end it by withdrawing his troops and forces and stop attacking independent, sovereign, country Ukraine, and sit down in good faith and to find a political solution.

But at the same time, we have to be realistic and realise that this may last for a long time, for many months, for even years. And that's the reason why we need also to be prepared for the long haul. Both when it comes to supporting Ukraine, sustaining sanctions, and strengthening our defences.”