Bloomberg reported that the online streaming service Netflix still has not left hopes for developing its gaming division and wants to add a dedicated video game section to its platform. Moreover, the company has already appointed the head of the gaming department.

This is Mike Verdu, former Facebook/Oculus and EA game development leader. Thus, we can conclude that Netflix plans not only to provide games on its service, but also to develop them. The video game team is scheduled to be assembled in the coming months. The corresponding vacancies have already been published on the company's website.

Previously, Verdu was vice president of Facebook and led the division responsible for game development with the virtual reality glasses Oculus. He also ran the mobile division at Electronic Arts, and has worked on the Sims, Plants vs. Zombies, and Star Wars games.

Netflix already has a similar approach in movies, TV series, and shows. The company is trying not only to provide media content on its platform, but also to develop unique content that is of high quality and is highly valued in the community.

The games will be provided by subscription. Netflix itself has not yet commented on the information about the entry into the video games market.

Video games are another way for Netflix to reach new customers and promote other content. After all, now video games are not offered by any of its direct competitors.