Norwegian Energy Group Equinor Exits Russia Completely

Norwegian energy company Equinor has announced the completion of the withdrawal process from its latest joint project with Russia, the Kharyaga project. The company announced it in an official statement on its website.

"On 25 May 2022, Equinor announced its exit from the four joint ventures with Rosneft as well as the signing of an agreement to leave the Kharyaga project. Equinor can now confirm that the full exit from Kharyaga has also been completed," the company said.

"Following the exit from Kharyaga, Equinor has no remaining assets or projects in Russia," the company said in a statement.

Equinor announced on 28 February 2022 that it would stop its business in Russia and withdraw from all joint ventures in the wake of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. The board of directors decided to stop new investments in Russia and to start the process of exiting the Russian joint ventures.