In a Twitter thread, former Bethesda developer Nate Purkeypile told a story of how an in-game bug caused major troubles with the iconic “Hey, you’re finally awake…” intro scene from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim during the game's development. According to him, the team spent a lot of time on its development, and he had to watch the cart passing along the route hundreds of times.

The opening scene, which has already become a meme, features the player waking up in the back of the cart with other prisoners. The developer remembers this scene as one with some pretty catastrophic collisions. Back then, Purkeypile worked as an artist for the game world. He said that there were more difficulties in creating this scene than one might think.

All of them were caused by the fact that the cart did not move on rails, but was a full-fledged physical object. For this reason, it used to constantly lose control during its trip. According to Purkeypile, they did not understand why the cart was going out of the way: a road with bumps, a stone placed too close to the road, or something else could interfere with it.

Once the cart took off into the sky like a rocket, so a bug was detected, but formally there was no reason for such behavior. Purkipile noted that this did not happen every time, so at first, no one understood what the problem was.

As it turned out later, this happened due to another bug with bees: initially, they could not be picked up, so some potions could not be made. However, the type of collision put on the bee also made it collide with other objects.

Purkeypile noted that game development is difficult, and every time something is fixed, something else can break somewhere else. The developer also noted that he did not expect the opening scene in Skyrim to become a meme.