"U.S. Sanctions Target Companies Aiding Wagner Group's Operations in Africa"

The United States Treasury Department imposed sanctions on March 8 against two companies in Russia and the Central African Republic (CAR) for their role in facilitating the Wagner Group's activities in Africa.

Detailing the sanctions, the U.S. targeted Bois Rouge, also known as Wood International Group SARLU, a logging company based in the CAR's capital, Bangui, since 2019. Bois Rouge is among the numerous Wagner Group-associated firms that have received concessions for natural resource development in exchange for mercenary services.

According to the U.S. Treasury, since 2021, Bois Rouge has been exporting tropical timber to buyers in China, the Middle East, Europe, and Central Asia.

The second company, Broker Expert LLC, registered in Saint Petersburg, offers brokerage services to Wagner Group-related companies in Africa, including Bois Rouge.

Brian Nelson, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, explained that Russia attempts to use these Wagner-affiliated companies to generate additional foreign income and advance its interests in Africa, often at the expense of the countries where they operate, undermining their institutions and citizens. The United States has previously sanctioned numerous entities and individuals worldwide supporting the Wagner Group and other Russian private military companies.

In 2017, the U.S. added the Wagner Group to its trade blacklist and, at the end of 2022, imposed new export restrictions on the group to further limit its capabilities due to its involvement in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.