United States and European Union Seek to Undermine Russia's War Capabilities Against Ukraine

The United States and the European Union are collaborating and mobilizing international partners to weaken Russia's economic ability to maintain and develop its military-industrial complex and continue its aggressive war against Ukraine. This collaborative effort aims to safeguard Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence by targeting the very roots of Russia's military power: its financial and industrial base.

Today in Washington, the EU-US Summit concluded with a joint statement highlighting the determination of both parties to stand united against Russian aggression. The full text of the document has been published on the European Council’s website, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the resolute stance of the transatlantic partners.

"We are deepening our joint work to undermine Russia's ability to wage its aggressive war, maintain, and develop its defense industrial base and capabilities. Those who assist Russia in obtaining items or equipment for its defense industry are supporting actions that undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine," the statement declares unequivocally.

The document highlights the concern regarding companies supplying Russia with critical raw materials and high-priority goods, as well as financial institutions and entities facilitating such deals. The EU and US express their readiness to hold accountable relevant actors from third countries materially supporting the Russian war effort.

The statement also addresses the ongoing trade of Russian gas to Germany, a topic that has been in the spotlight recently. Both the EU and the US are committed to actively and jointly ensuring the implementation of the sanctions and export control measures they have put in place to disrupt Russia's access to vital resources and financial support.

In particular, the joint execution of the G7+ cap on the price of oil and petroleum products originating from Russia, which are transported by sea, supports the stability of the energy market while simultaneously reducing Russia's ability to fund its unlawful war. The EU and US are determined to act in conjunction with their respective legal institutions in cases where evidence of violations or deceptive practices related to the oil price cap policy is found.

The statement underscores the importance of transatlantic unity in the face of Russian aggression and reflects a commitment to uphold the rules-based international order. The EU and US pledge to remain vigilant and to adapt their response as necessary to ensure the effectiveness of their actions against Russia.

The EU-US Summit has sent a clear message to Russia: the transatlantic partners stand united in their commitment to support Ukraine and to hold Russia accountable for its actions. The collaborative efforts of the United States and the European Union aim not only to weaken Russia's war capabilities but also to demonstrate the strength of democratic nations standing together in defense of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the international rules-based order.

This momentous joint statement marks a significant step in the ongoing effort to counter Russian aggression and protect Ukraine. The resolve and unity demonstrated by the United States and the European Union send a powerful message to the international community about the importance of standing together in defense of democracy, peace, and security. The EU-US Summit has laid the groundwork for continued collaboration and concerted action, reinforcing the transatlantic partnership and showcasing the strength of democratic nations united in a common cause.

As the situation continues to evolve, the EU and US remain committed to monitoring Russia's actions closely and responding decisively to any attempts to undermine Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The transatlantic partners stand ready to adapt their strategies and take additional measures as necessary, ensuring that their response is robust, coordinated, and effective.

The international community watches closely as the United States and the European Union take a firm stand against Russian aggression, showcasing the power of unity and the unwavering commitment to defending democratic values and the international rules-based order. The EU-US Summit has set a precedent for transatlantic cooperation, demonstrating that when democratic nations stand together, they are a formidable force for peace, stability, and security.

In conclusion, the United States and the European Union have made it clear that they will not stand idly by as Russia continues its aggressive war against Ukraine. Through their combined efforts and the support of international partners, they are actively working to undermine Russia's war capabilities and support Ukraine in its fight for freedom and independence. The EU-US Summit has marked a significant moment in this ongoing battle, sending a clear message to Russia and the world that the transatlantic partnership is stronger than ever and ready to defend the principles of democracy and international order.